This is a photograph I snapped while watching my son play a video game earlier this afternoon. It is from a multi-player map in the game Battlefield 1. The snapshot of a TV screen does not do the artwork justice, the graphics in the game are fantastic. It is quite unbelievable how video games have gone from a 8-bit technology a little over twenty years ago to today. I would label this image in the style of Art Nouveau. Although the size of the poster seems a little small for the lithograph poster size of the time, it has a few distinguishing characteristics. I immediately thought of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec when I caught a glimpse of this poster. It got me thinking about the self-assured happy women that were idealized in the Art Nouveau lithographs. The simplified art and the appearance of hand written type gives a few more clues about this style. The last clue is the black or dark outlines that are filled in with flat colors and abstract shapes.


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